Best Child Psychiatry Near Shalimar Bagh

Child Psychiatry is the assessment and treatment of several behavioral disorders and emotional issues that affect the children’s overall well-being. Children and Adolescents dealing with these issues need the proper treatment to cope with the condition and lead a healthy life. If your child is also facing any behavioral issues and you are looking for the best child Psychiatry Near Shalimar Bagh, you can connect with Sharda Psychiatric Clinic in Rohini Sector-8, Delhi.
Our Clinic delivers the best child Psychiatry services Near Shalimar Bagh with a team of expert and experienced psychiatrist & RCI Certified psychologists. Under the guidance of Dr. Atmesh kumar, our team provides quality therapy, treatment, medication, and care that aligns best with your child.
Restricted repetitive pattern of behavior, prefers particular type of toy or food only, avoids eye contact, socially withdrawn- prefers to stay alone, poor communication skills, does not make friends, lacks emotions
Inattention, poor concentration, gets distracted easily, avoids schoolwork/homework, Hyperactive & Impulsive, doesn’t sit in one place, disturbs others, Impatient-always in a hurry, keeps getting injured frequently, underperform in studies
Conduct Disorder
Frequent fighting, Bullying, Lying, Stealing, Destroying property, Cruelty to animals, Running away from home, Temper-Tantrums
Mental Retardation
Appears to be lagging behind other children of same age, requires help in self care, slow at learning, poor academic performance
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Excessive fear over separation from loved ones, constant worry of something wrong happening to loved ones, refusing to go to school because of fear about separation, Nausea/Headache/Stomach-ache etc on occasion of separation
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Actively disobeying rules, Excessive rudeness and uncooperartiveness with parents or teachers
Eating disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia)
Strong fear of getting FAT, extreme steps taken to reduce body-weight (eating too little, forcibly vomiting after eating etc.)
Craving for dirt/ice/chalk/clay/other non-nutritive substances, thumb sucking, pain abdomen, generalized weakness, frequent infections, mood swings
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Repeatedly washing or cleaning, repeatedly checking locks/gas stoves etc, repeatedly counting, Any other activity resulting in tension or anxiety, repeated mental images/fears that something may go wrong, getting irritated with self for wasting time & energy
Acute stress reaction
Sudden increased stress & anxiety following exposure to traumatic or stressful events, unusually angry, anxious, depressed or engaging in too much or too little activity, person may feel fearful & helpless
Bullying is defined as use of one’s strength or status to intimidate, injure, or humiliate another person of lesser strength or status, it can be Physical/Verbal/Social/ Cyber bullying, it may affect mental/physical health & well being of the victim
Feeling sad, not willing to talk to anyone, not enjoying anything, getting tired easily, difficulty concentrating. sleeping too much or too little, crying frequently, staying away from friends, thoughts of self harm/suicide
Suspiciousness, fearfulness, hearing voices not heard by others, talking to self, irrelevant talk, decreased social interaction, odd behavior/mannerism, poor self care/hygiene, unprovoked anger/hostile behavior
Specific Learning Disorder
Difficulty in learning new things, slow reading/writing reading mistakes, frequent spelling mistakes, poor mathematical skills, avoids writing, not able to perform well in exams despite working hard
Substance abuse
Sudden change in behaviour, decreased interest in studies, deteriorating academic performance, unduly preferring to stay in particular groups, frequent anger outbursts, irritability, unduly secretive behaviour, lying, direct or indirect evidence of abuse of alcohol/smoking/inhalants/ganja etc.
Childhood abuse
Withdrawn behaviour, school refusal, startled response, declining academic performance, poor concentration, sadness, disturbed sleep, clinginess to parents, reports of bad touch/physical/sexual assault, getting uncomfortable in the presence of specific person(s)
After conducting your child’s assessment, our certified psychiatrist will provide the best therapy and treatment to address issues. To provide treatment, we perform the following types of assessments for your child:
- IQ Assessment
- Specific Learning Disability (SLD) Assessment
- Developmental Disorder Assessment (Autism, ADHD)
- Behavioral Assessment (CBCL, CBQ)
- Neuropsychological Assessment (AIIMS, PGI-BBD)
- Personality Assessment
- Child Apperception Test (CAT)
- Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
- Rorschach Inkblot Test
- Figure Drawing Test
- Sentence completion test
Once the assessment is completed, we deliver the following Child Psychiatry therapies or treatment.
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy: To help your child manage his problems by changing the way he thinks or behaves.
- Play Therapy: It utilizes play to identify and treat the psychological issues of children.
- Problem Solving: This involves identifying, analyzing, and resolving issues to help children cope with stressful situations.
- Self-Monitoring: This helps children in developing self-monitoring skills to study their behavior, emotions, and traits.
- Social Skills Training: The training focuses on verbal and nonverbal behavior skills for improving interpersonal relations.
- Behavior Therapy: The therapy helps in changing children’s maladaptive responses to particular situations.
- Relaxation Training: It focuses on helping children relax and reducing their anxiety or stress levels.
- Systematic Desensitization: The child is familiarized with anxiety-driven thoughts or objects while also performing relaxation techniques to minimize anxiety symptoms
- Contingency Management: It focuses on rewarding children for the positive behavior change and withdrawing reward for mistakes.
- Sentence Completion test : A semi-structured projective test to assess the thinking pattern & cognitive errors.
- Medication : Medicines only when required.
Get Connected with the Best Child Psychiatry services Near Shalimar Bagh!
Do not wait until your kid’s mental well-being deteriorates and get connected with the best child Psychiatry Near Shalimar Bagh to assess his/her condition and provide the right treatment. The team of Sharda Psychiatric Clinic will do its best to help your kid with his problems. To book an appointment with us, you can connect with us on WhatsApp or call us directly (9650260365), our team will get connected with you as soon as possible.