Our Methods In Healing

At our mental health clinic, psychiatry outpatient services are available for clinical assessment and treatment on a daily basis.
- We treat a wide range of psychological and psychiatric disorders with utmost care.
- Our clinic offers psychiatric services for adults and geriatrics, substance abuse treatment, child guidance programs, psychotherapy for adults and families, psycho-diagnosis, counselling services for children, and more.
- Sharda Psychiatric Clinic, Delhi offers psychiatry and emergency services with active follow-up for patients.

At Sharda Psychiatric Clinic, we treat all our patients in all human aspects of psychology that include behavioral, emotional, cognitive, social, etc.
- We ask certain questions and conduct psychological tests to determine the right mental health condition.
- The symptoms of mental health conditions can range from relatively mild feelings of depression and anxiety to severe distress and dysfunction, which threatens life itself.
- At this best psychiatric clinic in Delhi, we treat anxiety, depression, adjustment to physical illness, neurological disorders, eating disorders, behavioral disorders, personal and family relationship problems, learning disabilities, etc.

Psychological assessments are undertaken to identify and measure the individual’s intelligence, personality, aptitude, ability, talent, efficiency, and competency.
- Our assessments include IQ Assessment, Psychodiagnostics, Aptitude Test, Personality Assessment, and more. Some children specific assessments include Development Disorder Assessment, Specific Learning Disability, Neuropsychological Assessment, Thematic Apperception Test, etc.
- Especially, for children, psychological assessment helps in assessing developmental issues, intelligence, and personality.
- It helps in identifying mental retardation, Autism, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), etc.

For people who can’t travel far because of some personal reasons, Sharda Psychiatric Clinic offers them online consultation and help via your preferred platform like Video and Audio call.
- Schedule your therapy and consultation session with our experienced psychiatrists to assess your mental health issues through online mediums
- Direct video-consultation with patients are carried out to have proper assessments & then only advice is given.
* No prescription is issued without direct talking to patients*

Psychology students of both Graduation & Post-Graduation can apply for our psychology internships and train yourself under best psychiatrists in Delhi and work on a wide range of real life psychology cases. Hence we train future torchbearers so that they can help people in need. Interns would gain exposure to
- First hand experience of patients interview
- Conduct relevant psychological tests & test counseling methods
- Gain in-depth training at careful, confidential & sensitive handling of patients
- Learn about huge responsibility of mental health care
- Learn some medico-legal aspects of Psychiatry & Psychology

Choosing a right career is of paramount importance for all students so that they can fruitfully convert their right potential into maximum performance.
- We help School (class 9-12) & College students in selecting the right career depending upon their personality & specific talent areas.
- We help these aspirants into building right Confidence & selective approach towards right career

Child psychiatry is primarily concerned with the study and treatment of behavioral disorders and emotional problems that affect children. Emotional maladjustments of children frequently are characterized by anxiety reactions.
They may include habit disorders—such as nail-biting, thumb-sucking, bed-wetting, and temper tantrums—and conduct disorders—such as extreme aggressiveness, lying, stealing, destructiveness, fighting, fire setting, cruelty, and running away from home. Among infants, deprivation of mothering or problems in the infant’s relationship with the mother may lead to withdrawn behaviour, continuous crying, inability to eat, insomnia, and physical or mental retardation or both.

Drug addiction in India has of late emerged as a matter of great concern due to the social and economic burden caused by substance abuse.
Drug De-Addiction is a process of medical and psychotherapeutic treatment, for dependency on psychoactive substances such as Alcohol, Tobacco, prescription drug, and so-called street drugs such as cocaine, heroin or
amphetamines. De-addiction counselling is not just limited to substance abuse but, it also includes addiction to activities like, gaming, use of electronic gadgets, sex, masturbation etc.
People suffering from addiction face lots of difficulties in performing daily functions, and may feel irritable, depressed and anxious most of the time.
De-addiction counselling helps a person to make him realize all the bad things that are happening to him and the outcome of those. It teaches the addict how to deal with the issue and how to have a control over himself.